Thursday, June 28, 2012


Assalamualaikum :)

Semua orang pernah rasa geram even dengan smallest matter. So do I.  Huahuahua. Yeah till now i think.
Sabar sabar sabar~

Pada suatu hari, saya membelek-belek pendrive saya dengan tujuan untuk delete mana-mana yang menyibuk memenuhkan space & nak print out something from it. Guess what did I found? Ada movie, video clips and entah pape lagi yang ultimately ridiculous! Terbeliak biji mata Astaghfirullahal'azim +_+ I knew they came from one of the humans who borrowed my pendrive, but I just don't know that particular person. Can you just imagine what would happen if the pendrive is passed from one person to another? (yes, ramai yang pinjam my pendrive sebab nak copy pictures,documents,etc). With 'the things' inside? EEEEEE malunya >_<

After checking all the stuffs and deleted them, I realized, kita kena berhati-hati dengan orang yang nak pinjam barang kita. All this while I just lend my stuffs without thinking of the cons, because I trust they can take care of it, like they put trust on me when I do so. Lambat sangat tersedar but however Alhamdulillah sedar sekarang daripada sedar kelak yang tak tahu bila.

Boleh aje if kita nak pinjamkan barang kepada orang lain but just beware lah. Jangan sampai jadi kedekut sudahlah :)

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